Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Harmony of Science and Religion in the Classroom

 Imagine being in a classroom where the wonders of the world explored through science coexist harmoniously with the mysteries pondered by religion. Instead of diminishing one for the other, we should embrace a holistic approach to understanding our existence and evolution. Is it possible that these two perspectives could lead to a deeper, more enriching education experience?  My experience with a teacher’s response to a question about evolution highlighted the divide between these two. I asked the teacher if there might be a divine explanation alongside scientific theories about evolution, but the teacher dismissed religions as “something people make up” which left me pondering the role of both perspectives.

Science is an invaluable tool that enables us to explore, measure, and understand the natural world. It provides evidence and fosters critical thinking. However, dismissing religion entirely in scientific discussions can be reductive. Religion offers profound insights into existence, purpose, and morality. It addresses questions that science alone may not be able to explain ( Cristine, 2011).  

The classroom should be a place where diverse viewpoints are explored respectfully. From time to time, I get upset when my teachers keep mentioning that we derive from a monkey and fish and sharks and whatever other animals we supposedly derive from. Of course, there is evidence that there are similarities in our bone and DNA structure but God also made us all as a unified ecosystem. In the book of Genesis of the bible, the Old Testament talks about how God created the world in seven days. The first day he separated light from darkness. On the second day, God made the sky and ocean. On the third day, God made vegetation on the dry land and made the sea alongside the land. On the fourth day, God made the sun and the galaxies.  On the fifth day, God made birds and fish for the sea. On the 6th day, God made land creatures and mankind. Could this whole sequence of creation explain the supernatural parts of our world? Some people just might find religion to make sense of how we came about. Imagine if my teacher had responded with, “Religion is complex and I won't say that one religion is right over the other, but there could be some sort of explanation that things exist due to a divine being.” 

Now some scientists will say, “Well look there is evidence here on fossils how we derive from every animal.” There are ancestors out there that show evolution but there is something about religion that can tie into their thinking: free will. Before sin, everything was in harmony according to the Bible, but ever since our first-ever parents decided to sin, free will exixsted, causing animals to become wild and unfriendly. Animals connected with each other as kind beings, but ever since sin, they became wild. From then on, animals would do their own thing exploring, hunting, and exploring that free will. In my opinion, this would lead to the brith and extinction of different species. Wouldn’t it be nice if a class would sit down with a priest and a scientist? Sometimes we have to think in a way that explains the supernatural and we have to let ourselves believe and allow for religion to come into play. 

However, there are some people who are still adamant that religion and science cannot coexist because of their different values, morals, and behaviors. Religion asserts a powerful god, while science is concerned with the facts and just dismisses the supernatural ( Ferguson). Evolution is a well supported scientific theory that explains the diversity of life on earth. However, exploring philosophical  or religious questions about the origins of life alongside scientific explanation can enrich students' understanding and appreciation of both realms. 

Advocating for a nuanced inclusion of both religion and science in education, it is not about suggesting one religion over the other or presenting religious beliefs as scientific facts. Rather, it's a bit recognizing that many students come from different backgrounds where religion plays a significant role in their lives. In this case, it plays a significant role in my life. Schools need to foster a more inclusive and respectful learning environment. 

In conclusion, the classroom should be a place where both science and religion can be discussed with respect and openness. You create a  educational environment that honors the diversity of beliefs. Both science and religion have their own unique contribution to our knowledge and existence. Students should feel comfortable talking about these issues and see that both science and religion can coexist (Ferguson). Would you like religion to taken into consideration?

Work Cited 

Cristine H. Legare, Aku Visala; Between Religion and Science: Integrating Psychological and Philosophical Accounts of Explanatory Coexistence. Human Development 1 July 2011; 54 (3): 169–184.

Ferguson, J. P. "Is there a place for religion in the science classroom?" (2017).

Loving, Cathleen C., and Andrea Foster. "The religion‐in‐the‐science‐classroom issue: Seeking graduate student conceptual change." Science Education 84.4 (2000): 445-468.

Old testament, Genesis

QR code


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Dr. Schuman speech summary

 Machine learning is a very complicated field as it has the  potential to be biased. It brings a lot of data and research to the computer program so that it does its job to learn what it needs to do. For exampe. automative vehicles. They need data to collect from how other people drive and learn to be more careful. However, there are times in which these machines don't have the capicty to think ahead or react like humans do. Machine learning can be a very complicated concept. If its not given the right data or enough then it's at risk of being bias. Knowing that machines aren't all that smart then we should be aware of the consequences relting on these things from chat gpt to automated vehicles. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Chat bot

 What is a chatbot?

A chatbot is a computer program that communicates with a human as if it were a human. It tries its best to talk like a human and gives us answers to our questions. I see Meta AI having chatbots in places like Facebook and Instagram. Snapchat even has a chatbot.  Even Chat GPT is considered one.

For June 24th, we coded a chatbot using Python. I got to see backstage the amount of detail and conditional statements required to make a chatbot. To code every possibility is just crazy how much work it is. Below Is the code that I used to make the chatbot. It just greets the user and based on their response it will respond like a human would. Now I definitely can see where bias in computing can come in. 👀

Below I added pictures of my Facebook profile and pictures of my own chatbot that I designed. Now the screenshots don't look pretty well here but you should check out my page to be taken to Chat Fuel and see my flow charts more easily. The flow charts in my chatbot all depend on the user's response. If the user wants to learn about activities to do in Tennesse ( My chatbot is centered around my parents to play with and explore.  They speak Spanish so I tailored it for them) then it will output a list of activities to do. The flowchart, a visualization image, shows how things flow. However, I do see the pitfall in using a lot of flows and ChatBot. Clutter and the risk of not having the right responses for each situation. Have you ever seen an AI model say, "Sorry I can't provide you with the answer to that." Yeah, Siri does that a lot. This was cool to play with and gave me an idea to make a business out of Chat Bots. 😜

Friday, June 21, 2024

Natural Observation

 June 20th/21st  

For today's blog, I will be importing pictures and notes of our field trip to the Ijams Nature Center. 

For this last part, I did rush my answer so I will write it out. 
If I were to look at spider webs through the view of a paleontologist, I would look at the ancestry of the oldest known spider and how much variety exists from then. 

Pictures from our adventure:

An Albino turtle!!

Jinny is a part of the beautiful scenery

A spider web connecting and bending the leaves from the top to bottom

The squad!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Visualization and AI Overview.


I learned how to do a very creative Excel sheet for Stem Skills. I have had some experience with Excel but not to the extent that I make so many hyperlinks and make things so neat. The amount of work I put into this sheet alone was fulfilling and amazing. A dashboard that looks neat and easy to follow has hidden information when you click on icons. That was very cool to learn. It's like coding for but in Excel. No wonder my computer science teacher loved using Excel.  This will help me impress my teachers and make my business/ presentations look clean. The reason why we need a data visualization sheet is to make things simple to look at and not so complicated. If we have the information represented as a chart, then trends can be seen better rather than just looking at a bunch of numbers without seeing the correlation. 

Titanic Simulation-

June 17th we programmed a code to predict the survival rate of women and men based on many factors like age, class, and sex. 
Survival rate for women: 74%
Survival rate for men: 18%

This is a table of the information likely taken into account. 

AI, Artificial Intelligence, is a program that collects data from various platforms to generate an automated message in a matter of seconds. We used AI for the Titanic simulation in which it would calculate the survivability of certain passengers. However, before making AI do the predictions, my group predicted that women were most likely to survive based on movie clips from the Titanic. In the movie, the workers prioritized women and children; therefore, women and children are most liekly to survive. When we used a code to see who would survive, the result came fairly close or favorable to the outcome that we predicted. It was more than 50% of the survival rate for women, meaning there could be a comfortable M.O.E (Margin of error). Knowing that AI made this code made me surprised at how fast it was able to make a decision. I believe that if we had the data then we would take more time to decide a result. If I knew how to change the code to make the percentage more stronger then I would definitely do it. 
Run time: 14.4 seconds
Best score: 77%

Overall, AI can be very impressive when it needs to calculate data and it predicted the same idea we did. 

Friday, June 14, 2024


 Today we talked about whether America should leave up CAFOS and our group was assigned to favor these factories. Here is what we took note of:

  • cheaper and efficient

  • everyone would have to change otherwise to eat organic food

  • makes for fast-food production

  •  mass production

  •  yummy food

  •  has a very big consumer base already

  •  less cost 

  • less manual labor

  • antibiotics are good for you

  • takes less land than organic/free-range farms

  • Time is money so breeding animals at a mass would be much more easier than alternating to plants. 

  • Fast food is accessible to low-income people if they can’t afford organic food

  • We admit that the practices of animal meat production are unethical but of course, making new policies will make cafos more trustworthy. We rely too much on meat, so why not just change the practices?

The Harmony of Science and Religion in the Classroom

  Imagine being in a classroom where the wonders of the world explored through science coexist harmoniously with the mysteries pondered by r...